Wednesday, February 22, 2012

State of TV


I’ve gone a ½ season (or a lifetime for some sad shows ) without commenting on the state of TV.  Insanity!  There’s been some break-ups, some new love affairs, and of course some relationships that continue to stand the test of time (or perhaps a good marathon or three)!  I really heart television and am only sad when I’ve got 2 shows to Tivo while Mr. Diva wants to watch a boring old debate or basketball game.  Yes, we have other televisions in the house, but only one with the beloved tivo…what if I need to rewind or re-watch!  Yes, there are options...Hulu, Network websites, On-Demand, but truthfully, they aren’t the same and heaven forbid that some of them actually make me watch commercials!  I’m sure that I’m a dying breed of people that are happy to pay their cable bill for a million channels we rarely watch; however, I’m a girl who LOVES choices and new discoveries. I like the option to check out a new show only to dump it next week or fall in love with some brand new. So why don't you stop productivity and join me for a few hours of wonderful television enjoyment!  Check out the Diva's Must Watch List on the right to see what's on my DVR. 

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE Once Upon a Time and Revenge!!! And of course NCIS. Good choices! :)


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