On the chopping block:
Burn Notice
I've been trying to stay faithful to Michael Westen and crew, but when I fast forward through a good chunk of the show, I know it's time to move on. Mr. Diva is always pushing me to watch less crime, so here's to purging.
Tommy C I love ya, but last week's challenge with all the former cheftestants was a waste. While I love Big Kenny, I just don't feel the love for the teams or the food. Please pack your knives and leave my DVR.
I heart me some Ari Gold, but we're past the points hugging it out. The show needs a serious shot of adrenaline, but I just can't stay around until that happens.
With three shows gone, it only means one thing...time to find some fillers! Any suggestions? Trust me the Tivo will be running over come September and the new fall line up. I'm a TV junkie after all.